Faculty Directory


Brian Bratten
Director, Gatton Endowed Professor
Raymond Burgess
Senior Lecturer
Monika Causholli
Von Allmen Endowed Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Myrtle Clark
Associate Professor
Ben Commerford
Arthur Andersen Associate Professor
Olivia Davis
Associate Director and Senior Lecturer
Duke Ferguson
Assistant Professor
Alex Johanns
Assistant Professor
Tyler Kleppe
Ashland Oil Research Fellow, Assistant Professor
Thomas Lewis
Senior Lecturer
Cynthia Miller
Senior Lecturer
Jeff Payne
KPMG Professor
Sean Peffer
Associate Professor
Aaron Roeschley
Assistant Professor
Jennifer Siebenthaler
Ernst and Young Fellow, Senior Lecturer
John Smigla
Director of the MSACC Program and Senior Lecturer
Dan Stone
Cynthia Vines
Associate Professor
Jane Wells
Associate Professor
Hong Xie
Chellgren Associate Professor
Dave Ziebart
PwC Professor

Business and Economics Dean's Office


Adib Bagh
Director of the Mathematical Economics Program, Associate Professor
Felipe Benguria
Gatton Endowed Associate Professor
Chris Bollinger
Executive Director of the Kentucky Research Data Center, Gatton Endowed Professor and University Research Professor
Mike Clark
Director of the Center for Business and Economic Research, Associate Professor
Charles Courtemanche
Director of the Institute for the Study of Free Enterprise, Professor
Bob Gillette
Associate Professor
Justin Heflin
Visiting Lecturer
Ana María Herrera
Associate Department Chair, Gatton Endowed Professor
Gail Hoyt
Gatton College Teaching Fellow, Ransdell Endowed Professor
Yoonbai Kim
Carlos Lamarche
Director of Graduate Studies, Gatton Endowed Professor and University Research Professor
Steven Lugauer
Associate Professor
Lala Ma
Carl F. Pollard Associate Professor of Health Economics
Alex Maslov
Business Analytics Lecturer
Darshak Patel
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Senior Lecturer
Ken Troske
Department Chair, Richard W. and Janis H. Furst Endowed Chair of Economics, Professor
James Ziliak
Gatton Endowed Chair in Microeconomics, University Research Professor, Founding Director of the Center for Poverty Research

Finance and Quantitative Methods

Leonce Bargeron
PNC Associate Professor
Taylor Begley
Assistant Professor
Jon Chait
Paul Childs
Associate Dean for MBA and Online Programs, Associate Professor
Chris Clifford
Department Chair, Professor
Igor Cunha
William B. Sturgill Associate Professor
Will Gerken
Real Estate Endowed Professor
Shane Hadden
Deputy Chair of Students, Senior Lecturer
Scott Hankins
Senior Lecturer
Kristine Hankins
William E. Seale Endowed Professor, University Research Professor
Russell Jame
Ashland Oil Associate Professor
Mark Liu
Director of MS Finance Program, Associate Professor
Paulo Manoel
Assistant Professor
John Saliling
Director of Wall Street Scholars, Lecturer
Simon Sheather
Dean, Truist Chair in Data Analytics, Professor
David Sovich
Ashland Oil Fellow, Assistant Professor
Quint Tatro
Adjunct Faculty of Finance


Steve Borgatti
Gatton Endowed Chair, University Research Professor
Daniel Brass
Henning Hilliard Chair in Innovation, University Research Professor
Rebecca Davis
Senior Lecturer
Zack Edens
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Senior Lecturer
Walter Ferrier
Department Chair, Gatton Endowed Professor
Dan Halgin
Associate Professor
Zhi Huang
Ashland Oil Endowed Associate Professor
Ji Youn (Rose) Kim
Gatton Endowed Associate Professor
Jack Kirn
Senior Lecturer
Robert Krause
Assistant Professor
Ajay Mehra
Chellgren Endowed Chair, Professor
Brad Patrick
Executive in Residence, Lecturer
Mikhail Wolfson
Vernon Smith Fellow, Associate Professor
Susan Zhu
Assistant Professor

Marketing and Supply Chain

Alexis Allen
Acting Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor
Mark Andersen
Senior Lecturer
Adam Craig
Carol Martin Gatton Endowed Associate Professor
Aaron Garvey
Associate Professor, Bloomfield Professor of Marketing
Andrew Grimes
Senior Lecturer
Tom Groleau
Director of the Business Analytics Center, Lecturer in Business Analytics
Holly Hapke
Senior Lecturer
David Hardesty
Gatton Endowed Chair, University Research Professor
Corinne Hassler
Assistant Professor
Scott Kelley
Executive Associate Dean, Simmons Endowed Professor
Anita Lee-Post
Associate Professor
Robert Mahaney
Business Analytics Lecturer
Yunke Mai
Clark Materials Fellow, Assistant Professor
Jordan Moffett
Assistant Professor
Brian Murtha
Gatton Endowed Chair, Professor
Rebecca Oliphant
Senior Lecturer
John Peloza
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate and International Affairs and Carol Martin Gatton Professor
Daniel Sheehan
Department Chair, Kincaid Endowed Associate Professor
Haoying Sun
Rosenthal Associate Professor
Leslie Vincent
Assistant Professor
Felix Xu
Assistant Professor