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Daniel Sheehan Headshot
MSM Faculty


  • PhD, Georgia Institute Of Technology, 2015
  • BA, Virginia Tech, 2001

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My research focuses on consumer psychology and decision making within environments consisting of a series of interrelated evaluations, decisions, and behaviors. More generally, I employ psychological and economic principles to investigate and understand how consumer judgments and decisions vary based on a consumer’s previous behavior. In my research, I rely on data collected in both laboratory and field experiments, along with secondary sources, to investigate these phenomena. While I consistently draw upon foundational theories and research paradigms, my research can be separated into two distinct lines of research investigating (1) sequential purchase and consumption decisions and (2) identity perceptions and signaling.

Selected Publications

  • D. Sheehan and K. van Ittersum. “In-store Spending Dynamics: How Budgets Invert Relative Spending Patterns” . Journal of Consumer Research, 2018
  • D. Sheehan, D. Hardesty, H. Chen, and A. Zeigler. Discount Dynamics: Consumer Reactions to Price Discounts across a Shopping Experience. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , 2019