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The Economic Impact of Index Investing Sovich, David Review of Financial Studies


Understanding the Rise in Corporate Cash: Precautionary Savings or Foreign Taxes Hankins, Kristine Review of Financial Studies


Home Equity and Labor Income: The Role of Constrained Mobility Sovich, David Review of Financial Studies

Salience and Mutual Fund Investor Demand for Idiosyncratic Volatility Clifford, Christopher Management Science

Co-authors: Jon Fulkerson, and Bradford Jordan

Why do Firms Disagree with Short Sellers? Managerial Myopia Versus Private Information Bargeron, Leonce Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


Funding Liquidity Risk and the Dynamics of Hedge Fund Lockups Clifford, Christopher Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


State Minimum Wages, Employment, and Wage Spillovers: Evidence from Administrative Payroll Data Sovich, David Journal of Labor Economics


How Should a Firm Go Public? A Dynamic Model of the Choice between Fixed-Price Offerings and Auctions in IPOs and Privatizations Liu, Mark Review of Corporate Finance Studies