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Farmer, Adam, Blair Kidwell, and David M. Hardesty (forthcoming), "The Politics of Choice: Political Ideology and Intolerance for Ambiguity," Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Farmer, Adam, Blair Kidwell, and David M. Hardesty (forthcoming), “Helping a Few a Lot or Many a Little: Political Ideology and Charitable Giving,”Journal of Consumer Psychology.


Hu, Bin, Yunke Mai, and Pekeč, Saša (forthcoming), “Managing Innovation Spillover in Outsourcing,” Production and Operations Management.

Lin, Yen-Ting, Haoying Sun, and Shouqiang Wang (forthcoming), “Designing Sustainable Products under Co-Production Technology,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.


Moffett, Jordan W., Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Robert W. Palmatier (forthcoming), “A Theory of Multiformat Communication: Mechanisms, Dynamics, and Strategies,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Haoying Sun and Subodha Kumar (2020), “Manufacturer’s New Product Preannouncement Decision and Supplier’s Response,” Production and Operations Management,” 29 (10), 2289-2306.


Choi, Woojin, Haoying Sun, Yan (Lucy) Liu, and Haipeng (Allan) Chen (2020), “Guess Who Buys Cheap? The Effect of Consumers’ Goal Orientation on Product Preference,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30 (3), 506-514.

Lu, Zhi, Lisa Bolton, Sharon Ng, and Haipeng (Allan) Chen (2020), “The Price of Power: How Firm’s Market Power Affects Perceived Fairness of Price Increases,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (2), 220-234.


Magnotta, Sarah, Brian Murtha, and Goutam Challagalla (2020), “The Joint and Multilevel Effects of Training and Incentives from Upstream Manufacturers on Downstream Salespeople’s Efforts,” Journal of Marketing Research, 57 (4), 695-716.

Sheehan, Daniel and Sara Loughran Dommer (2020), “Saving Yourself: How Identity Relevance Influences Product Usage,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (6), 1076-1092.


Chase, Kevin and Brian Murtha (2019), “Selling to Barricaded Buyers,” Journal of Marketing, 83 (November), 2-20.


Heß, Nicole J., Corinne M. Kelley, Maura L. Scott, Martin Mende, and Jan H. Schumann, (2019), “Getting Personal in Public!? How Consumers Respond to Public Personalized Advertising in Retail Stores,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (3), 344-361.

Mende, Martin, Maura L. Scott, Aaron M. Garvey, and Lisa E. Bolton (2019), “The Marketing of Love: How Attachment Styles Affect Romantic Consumption Journeys,”Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47 (2), 255-273.


Romero, Marisabel, Adam W. Craig, and A. Kumar (2019), “Mapping Time: How the Spatial Representation of Time Influences Intertemporal Choices,” Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (4), 620-636.

Sun, Haoying and Steve Gilbert (2019), “Retail Price Competition with Product Fit Uncertainty and Assortment Selection,” Production and Operations Management, 28 (7), 1658–1673.

Faculty members currently in the Department are in bold and former doctoral students from UK are in italics