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Monika Causholli Headshot
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(859) 257-1799


  • PhD, University of Florida, 2009
  • MA, University of Texas at Arlington, 2004
  • BS, Oregon State University, 2000

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Monika Causholli is the Von Allmen Endowed Professor of Accounting in the Von Allmen School of Accountancy at Gatton College of Business. Monika joined Gatton in 2009 after graduating with a PhD in Accounting from The University of Florida.
Monika Causholli’s research interests include auditing, corporate governance, financial reporting, and regulation. Her research has been presented in multiple national and international conferences. Monika’s research is published in top accounting journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Organizations and Society, Review of Accounting Studies, Auditing, A Journal of Practice and Theory, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Accounting Horizons, and European Accounting Review. Monika is the recipient of multiple research awards including Gatton’s Research Excellence Productivity Award (2018), Gatton's Societal Impact Research Excellence Award (2022), and Gatton’s Research Excellence Academic Impact Award (2023).
Monika served as an editor at Auditing, A Journal of Practice and Theory and is currently serving in the editorial board of a number of prominent accounting journals including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Auditing, A Journal of Practice and Theory.
Monika teaches Auditing to undergraduate accounting students and a PhD seminar to graduate students.