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Yoonbai Kim Headshot
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  • PHD, Stanford University, 1987
  • BS, 1978

Dr. Kim earned PhD in economics from Stanford University. He has taught at various schools including National University of Singapore, Korea and Sogang Universities in Korea, Southern Illinois University, and American University of Sharjah. He joined the Gatton College, University of Kentucky in 1991.

Dr. Kim's main research and teaching areas are international finance and open economy macroeconomics. He has published in various journals including Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, and Journal of International Money and Finance. In 2009, he served as President of Korea-America Economic Association.

Selected Publications

  • Y. Kim Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run: A Cointegrational Approach. Journal Of Money, Credit, And Banking, 1990
  • Y. Kim External Adjustments and Exchange Rate Flexibility. Review Of Economics And Statistics, 1991
  • Y. Kim The Income and Terms of Trade Effects: A Permanent Versus Transitory Decomposition in US Trade. Journal Of International Money And Finance, 1994
  • Y. Kim The Income Effects on the Trade Balance. Review Of Economics And Statistics, 1996
  • Y. Kim and H. K. Chow. A Common Currency Peg in East Asia? Perspectives from Western Europe. Journal Of Macroeconomics, 2003
  • X. Zhao and Y. Kim. Is the CFA Franc Zone an Optimum Currency Area?. World Development, 2009
  • L. An and Y. Kim. Sources of Exchange Rate Movements in Japan: Is the Exchange Rate a Shock-absorber or a Source of Shock?. Review of International Economics, 2010
  • A. Berdiev, Y. Kim, and C. Chang. The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Regimes in Developed and Developing countries. European Journal of Political Economy, 2012