From Innovative Marketplace to Societal Concerns
The Democratization of Investment Research
Regulators at the Gate
Disaster or Opportunity? How COVID-19 - Associated Changes in Environmental Uncertainty and Job Insecurity Relate to Organizational Identification and Performance
Filing Agents and Information Leakage
Using Unconscious Thought to Improve Evaluations of Complex Accounting Estimates
Blockchain Augmented Marketing Claims: Evidence for Enhanced Legitimacy and Preference versus Traditional Practices.
Conducting Research with Managerial Impact: Examples from Military and Human Resources Contexts
Firms and Risk
Auditing and Capital Markets: Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding
Courteous or Crude? Managing User Conduct to Improve Demand Service Platform Performance
Perspectives on the US-China Trade War
Household Debt: Facts and Theories
Cyclists, Surgeons, and Soldiers: Team dynamics in action
Applications of Machine Learning in Accounting Research