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Hector Martinez Headshot
MBA Faculty
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  • PhD, Case Western Reserve University, 2016

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Hector is a Lecturer in the Management Department at the Gatton College of Business and Economics. His research has focused on motivation, and in particular the impact of coaching on employee engagement, performance, and meaningfulness of work. By applying Boyatzis' coaching model around sustainable change (Intentional Change Theory), his approach to teaching is both positive and appreciative, looking to help students identify and realize their future ideal self. In the classroom, his courses are structured using the experiential learning theory (Kolb, 1984), with the intent of providing students with an engaging and transformative learning experience.

Before Gatton he was an Assistant Professor at INCAE Business School in Costa Rica and taught courses at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio. In addition, he is a certified coach and facilitates executive education programs. At Gatton he is teaching courses in Leadership, Negotiations, Small Business, and HR Management. Hector has a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University, an MBA from INCAE Business School, and a B.A. in Literature from New College of Florida.