Alexis Allen
Acting Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor
Mark Andersen
Senior Lecturer
Adam Craig
Carol Martin Gatton Endowed Associate Professor
Aaron Garvey
Associate Professor, Bloomfield Professor of Marketing
Andrew Grimes
Senior Lecturer
Tom Groleau
Director of the Business Analytics Center, Lecturer in Business Analytics
Holly Hapke
Senior Lecturer
David Hardesty
Gatton Endowed Chair, University Research Professor
Corinne Hassler
Assistant Professor
Scott Kelley
Executive Associate Dean, Simmons Endowed Professor
Anita Lee-Post
Associate Professor
Robert Mahaney
Business Analytics Lecturer
Yunke Mai
Clark Materials Fellow, Assistant Professor
Jordan Moffett
Assistant Professor
Brian Murtha
Gatton Endowed Chair, Professor
Rebecca Oliphant
Senior Lecturer
John Peloza
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate and International Affairs and Carol Martin Gatton Professor
Daniel Sheehan
Department Chair, Kincaid Endowed Associate Professor
Haoying Sun
Rosenthal Associate Professor
Leslie Vincent
Assistant Professor
Felix Xu
Assistant Professor