A team of researchers from Gatton's department of Marketing and Supply Chain, including Dan Sheehan, David Hardesty, Alex Zeigler and Allan Chen, has new research accepted for publication in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
In May 2019, during the 30th annual Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) conference, Haoying Sun was selected as one of the “Best Reviewers” for the Production and Operations Management Journal.
Brian Murtha’s paper (with Goutam Challagalla and Bernard Jaworski), “Marketing Doctrine: A Principles-based Approach to Guide Marketing Decision-Making in Firms,” which was published in the Journal of Marketing in 2014, is now a finalist for the 2018 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award. This award honors the best article published in the Journal of Marketing that has made long-term contributions to the field.
Brian Murtha has been invited to serve on the editorial review board for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences.
An article entitled, "Neural Correlates of Intertemporal Choice In Aggressive Behavior" by Adam Craig and co-authors David S. Chester, Sarah Beth Bell, C. Nathan DeWall, Samuel J. West and Marisabel Romero-Lopez is forthcoming in the journal Aggressive Behavior. Abstract and more information here.
Haipeng (Allan) Chen and his coauthors, Jia Xu and Jiuchang Wei, recently published their paper, "Strategic Responses of Stigmatized Firms to Regulative Pressures through Enhanced CSR Effort" in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (CSREM). CSREM currently has an impact factor of 4.918.
Brian Murtha has been appointed to the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM). The International Journal of Research in Marketing is at the forefront of the marketing field.
A paper co-authored by Haoying Sun and Steve Gilbert (University of Texas, Austin) titled “Retail Price Competition with Product Fit Uncertainty and Assortment Selection” is accepted for publication at Production and Operations Management.
In this paper, Sun and Gilbert study how the equilibrium pricing among competing retailers depends upon assortments when consumers must search for product fit information and are heterogeneous in their shopping behaviors.
A new paper by Adam Craig, Marisabel Romero, and Anand Kumar, title "Mapping Time: How the Spatial Representation of Time Influences Intertemporal Choices" has been accepted for publication to the Journal of Marketing Research.
A paper coauthored by Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Daniel Levy, Avichai Snir, titled “Price Points and Asymmetric Price Rigidity,” has been accepted for publication to the Journal of Monetary Economics, (equal contribution).
Great Job Allan!