Marketing and Supply Chain News

April 15, 2020

Many are grappling with a new reality as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to ripple across all facets of economic and social life. For Haoying Sun, the devastating effects hit close to home long before the global pandemic spread to the United States.

March 24, 2020

Professor David Hardesty has an upcoming article in the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Adam Farmer, Blair Kidwell, and David M. Hardesty (2020), “Helping a Few a Lot or Many a Little: Political Ideology and Charitable Giving.”

March 16, 2020

Looking at information like degrees offered, concentration options, accreditations, clubs and networking opportunities available to students, and information from the U.S. Department of Education, the University of Kentucky is ranked #17!

December 17, 2019

Professor Dan Sheehan's paper, “Isolating Price Promotions: The Influence of Promotional Timing On Promotion Redemption” was accepted for publication by the Journal of the Association of Consumer Research.

November 10, 2019

Brian Murtha's paper (with Kevin Chase), “Selling to Barricaded Buyers,” has been accepted at the Journal of Marketing. In business-to-government and business-to-business transactions, suppliers often have limited access to buyers during the buying process. The authors term these buyers “barricaded buyers.”

October 23, 2019

University of Kentucky Information Technology Services (ITS) recently announced the recipients of their annual Customer Excellence Award for Leadership in IT Advancement.

October 18, 2019

Haipeng (Allan) Chen will co-chair the SCP Boutique Conference on the Global Consumer (July 9-10, 2020, Singapore.)

September 26, 2019

"Whom to Hire and How to Coach Them: A Longitudinal Analysis of Newly Hired Salesperson Performance" by Alexis Allen and others, was recently published in The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 

September 19, 2019

“The Price of Power: How Firm’s Market Power Affects Perceived Fairness of Price Increases” by Lu Zhi, Lisa Bolton, Sharon Ng, and Haipeng (Allan) Chen has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Retailing. Abstract below. 

August 19, 2019

New research from Dan Sheehan has been accepted by the Journal of Consumer Research.

In this paper, titled "Saving Your Self: How Identity Relevance Influences Product Usage,” Sheehan documents an "identity conservation effect," in that consumers are less likely to use products related to their identity (such as notepads or candy that display a University of Kentucky logo) compared to nonidentity products because the tradeoff between how it feels to own and use such a product.