Haipeng (Allan) Chen will co-chair the SCP Boutique Conference on the Global Consumer (July 9-10, 2020, Singapore.)
"Whom to Hire and How to Coach Them: A Longitudinal Analysis of Newly Hired Salesperson Performance" by Alexis Allen and others, was recently published in The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management.
“The Price of Power: How Firm’s Market Power Affects Perceived Fairness of Price Increases” by Lu Zhi, Lisa Bolton, Sharon Ng, and Haipeng (Allan) Chen has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Retailing. Abstract below.
New research from Dan Sheehan has been accepted by the Journal of Consumer Research.
In this paper, titled "Saving Your Self: How Identity Relevance Influences Product Usage,” Sheehan documents an "identity conservation effect," in that consumers are less likely to use products related to their identity (such as notepads or candy that display a University of Kentucky logo) compared to nonidentity products because the tradeoff between how it feels to own and use such a product.
Assistant Professor & Ashland Oil Research Fellow, Adam Craig has been named Membership Manager for the Association for Consumer Research.
Brian Murtha has been selected as a winner of the 2018 Outstanding Reviewer Award by the Journal of Marketing editors. He was selected from the journal’s 182-person editorial review board.
“Well-Known or Well-Liked? The Effects of Corporate Reputation on Firm Value at the Onset of a Corporate Crisis,” coauthored by Haipeng (Allan) Chen, has been featured as a top 20 most read paper in the Strategic Management Journal (2017-2018).
“The Effects of a Product’s Aesthetic Design on Demand and Marketing Mix Effectiveness: The Role of Segment Prototypicality and Brand Consistency,” coauthored by Haipeng (Allan) Chen, has been featured in the Journal of Marketing's “Blast from the Past: Editor Picks from 2017."
Haipeng (Allan) Chen has been invited to serve on the editorial review board of the Journal of Consumer Research (a UTD journal).
Aaron Garvey presented his research on artificial intelligence in June 2019 at INFORMS Marketing Science conference in Rome, Italy, and the 2019 CLIK Behavioral Forum in Louisville. This research, titled "Ghost in the Marketing Machine: Consumer Susceptibility to Exploitative Offerings from Artificial Intelligences" explores how consumers respond differently to unfair offers for products and services provided by artificial intelligence versus humans.