Brian Bratten
Director, Gatton Endowed Professor
Raymond Burgess
Senior Lecturer
Monika Causholli
Von Allmen Endowed Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Myrtle Clark
Associate Professor
Ben Commerford
Arthur Andersen Associate Professor
Olivia Davis
Associate Director and Senior Lecturer
Duke Ferguson
Assistant Professor
Alex Johanns
Assistant Professor
Tyler Kleppe
Ashland Oil Research Fellow, Assistant Professor
Thomas Lewis
Senior Lecturer
Cynthia Miller
Senior Lecturer
Jeff Payne
KPMG Professor
Sean Peffer
Associate Professor
Aaron Roeschley
Assistant Professor
Jennifer Siebenthaler
Ernst and Young Fellow, Senior Lecturer
John Smigla
Director of the MSACC Program and Senior Lecturer
Dan Stone
Cynthia Vines
Associate Professor
Jane Wells
Associate Professor
Hong Xie
Chellgren Associate Professor
Dave Ziebart
PwC Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Alexis Castro
Adjunct Faculty
Christina Westcroft
Adjunct Faculty
David Osborne
Adjunct Faculty
Joshua Bush
Adjunct Faculty
Urton Anderson
Adjunct Faculty