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  • PhD, Florida State University, 2019
  • BA, Florida State University, 2012

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Corinne M. K. Hassler is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. Corinne earned her Ph.D. in Marketing as well as her B.A. in Communications and Advertising at Florida State University.

She has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and Journal of Service Research. She has presented her research at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, the American Marketing Association Conference, the Marketing and Public Policy Conference, and the Organizational Frontlines Research Symposium. Corinne’s research interests fall under the umbrella of consumer-based strategy, examining factors that influence consumer behavior at the organizational frontlines. Specifically, she is interested in social influence, prosocial behavior, services, retailing, sensory marketing, and food consumption, preferences, and perceptions.

Corinne has won several awards for her research, including a 2017 ACR/Sheth Foundation Dissertation Award, a 2017 Organizational Frontlines Research Symposium: Young Scholar Research Award, a 2017 ACR Transformative Consumer Research Grant, a 2017 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, a 2018 Brenda Derby Memorial Award: Best Student Paper, a 2018 William O. Bearden Doctoral Student Research Award, and a 2018 Marketing Science Institute Research Grant. Additionally, Corinne was a fellow at the AMA/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium and a visiting scholar at Karlstad University.

Corinne is originally from Anchorage, Alaska and is an avid bowler. As an undergraduate she competed intercollegiately on the women’s bowling team. Her career achievements include two perfect 300 games and one 811 series (i.e., total over three games).