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Ph.D. candidate Evisa Bogdani presented her paper titled, “The Role of Assurance in Equity Crowdfunding” on January 18, 2020  at the Audit Midyear Meeting in Houston, Texas. Her research interests are in audit and financial accounting using archival methods. Specifically, she is interested in examining the role of assurance and disclosure’s features in emerging new financial markets such as equity crowdfunding. 

In a ceremony held on Tuesday, March 3, Economics Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies Darshak Patel was presented with the UK Alumni Association 2020 Great Teacher Award. 

Initiated in 1961, UK’s Great Teacher Award is the longest-running UK award recognizing teaching. In order to receive the award, educators must first be nominated by a student. The UK Alumni Association Great Teacher Award Committee, in cooperation with the student organization Omicron Delta Kappa, then makes the final selection. Recipients receive an engraved plaque and stipend.

UK students and business leaders are encouraged to register by Friday, March 13 for the Business Innovation Summit set for April 24-25 on the campus of University of Kentucky. Hosted by the Gatton College of Business & Economics, this two-day event provides students with opportunities to learn and connect with industry leaders as well as compete to win seed funding for innovative business plans.

Dan Halgin, Steve Borgatti, and Zhi Huang recently published “Prismatic Effects of Negative Ties” in Social Networks. Research on negative ties has focused primarily on the harm they do. In this paper, Halgin and co-authors show that negative ties can also have beneficial market effects. They argue that, like positive ties, negative ties can link actors together in the minds of observers, and theorize that negative ties with high-status others can benefit a focal actor.

The University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics presented the 6th Annual Commonwealth Supply Chain Innovation Award, to Misty Doan-Eldridge, Supply Planning Manager, and Steve Bauer, Senior Manager of Forecasting, at Escalade Sports Inc., headquartered in Evansville, Indiana.

Kristine Hankins presented "Do Firms Hedge During Distress?" at the University of Colorado - Boulder on February 14. The paper is co-authored with Heitor Almeida (Illinois, NBER) and Ryan Williams (Arizona). Hankins is the William E. Seale Professor and Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Kentucky. Her research interests include corporate finance, corporate risk management, and methodology issues and she is a prior winner of the Jensen Prize.

Happy February! It’s the month of love, and we’re focusing on two things I love the most: teaching and research.

In this edition of Simon Says, three outstanding faculty members will discuss their research. I know you’ll be as impressed with these accomplished individuals as I am. You’ll also see footage from our “For the Love of Gatton” event, part of our 95th anniversary celebration, and hear about all the great things we have in store. 

Thanks for watching - see you next month for March Madness!

Gatton Professor Dan Stone's data visualization case (with Ann O'Brien of University of Wisconsin - Madison), titled, "Yes, You Can Import, Analyze, and Create Dashboards and Storyboards in Tableau!" has been accepted for publication at the American Accounting Association's Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. Dr. Stone serves as the Director of the Minor in Business Analytics. He is an author of the corporate governance and information technology sections of Wiley CPAExcel.

Jill Holloway Smith has been named associate vice president for alumni engagement and executive director of the University of Kentucky Alumni Association.

“I am honored and excited for the opportunity to serve as the associate vice president for alumni engagement and executive director of the UK Alumni Association. As a native Kentuckian and two-time graduate of this institution, I am incredibly proud of the many positive ways the University of Kentucky impacts the Commonwealth and beyond,” said Smith.