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The Gatton College of Business and Economics is pleased to announce the expansion of its research mission. A new initiative for undergraduate students, led by faculty, has been approved for funding to create research opportunities for undergraduate students. The plan is that this first-year effort will become a cornerstone in a more dedicated effort to engage our undergraduate students in research. This spring/summer, 13 undergraduate students will work on projects with 10 of Gatton’s best faculty. In addition to the new undergraduate faculty-led research initiative, this funding will also support special research projects which represent early-stage research and will be shared in the coming year.

In total, 20 faculty members, representing all 5 academic departments, whose proposals for either research activities funding, or undergraduate research, or both, will be fully funded. A total amount of over $67K will be funded from the Vice President for Research Office, the Office of Undergraduate Research, and internal Gatton funding. 

Those approved for the 2022 Faculty-Led Undergraduate Research funding include: 

Undergraduate Student Faculty Member
Derek Torres  Dan Halgin, MGT
Will Ransdell  Ana Maria Herrera, ECO
Andrea Scates  Sam Heshmati, MGT
Haonan Xu  Yoonbai Kim, ECO

Derrick Guthier and Natalie Bolen 

Lala Ma, ECO
Julia Mansur  Hector Martinez, MGT
Destin Hardesty  Jordan Moffett, MKT

Edison Shipley, Molly Fuller and Celia Gonzalez

Darshak Patel, ECO
Madison Brester 

Dan Sheehan, MKT

Natalie Vincent 

Susan Zhu, MGT

Those faculty approved for the 2022 Special Research Projects include: 

Alexis Allen, MKT

Ben Commerford, ACC

Will Gerken, FIN

Nargess Golshan, ACC

Ana Maria Herrera , ECO

Russell Jame, FIN

Steven Lagauer, ECO

Jordan Moffett, MKT

David Sovich, FIN

Haiyue (Felix) Xu, MKT (new faculty - Fall 2022)