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The University of Kentucky's Von Allmen School of Accountancy Ph.D. program was well represented at the University of Illinois Audit Symposium with two papers from Nargess Golshan and Blake Holman. 

Sohee Kim, CISA, Ph.D. candidate presented two papers and discussed two other papers at the 2022 ABO Research Conference. The two papers she presented were: 

Brian Bratten's paper titled "Filling in the GAAPs in Individual Analysts’ Street Earnings Forecasts" was accepted for publication at Management Science. The paper is co-authored with Stephannie Larocque and Teri Yohn. 

Duke Ferguson presented his paper, "Tax Enforcement and Foreign Investment by Multinational Corporations: Evidence from Tax Inspectors Without Borders" at the Waterloo Biennial Global Taxation Symposium on September 29, 2022.


Ben Commerford has been appointed to the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review. 

Tyler Kleppe's paper, “Retail shareholders and the efficacy of proxy voting: evidence from auditor ratification,” was accepted for publication in Review of Accounting Studies. The paper is co-authored with Cory Cassell and Jonathan Shipman, both from the University of Arkansas.

Michael (Chuancai) Zhang, (Gatton/VASOC) Ph.D.

DENVER (August 3, 2022) – The Financial Planning Association® (FPA®) is pleased to announce Greg Geisler, Ph.D., J. William “Bill” Harden, Ph.D., CPA, ChFC, and David S.

Tyler Kleppe's paper, "PCAOB Inspections, Knowledge Diffusion, and Corporate Tax Planning Effectiveness" was recently accepted for presentation at multiple highly-competitive research conferences, including the 2022 Deloitte/University of Kansas Auditing Symposium and the 12th EIASM Conference on Current Research in

Tyler Kleppe, Assistant Professor, was recently named to the Editorial Board of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT). The journal is published by the American Accounting Association and contributes to improving the practice and theory of auditing.