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5th year graduate student Nicholas Moellman won the "Best Paper" award at the Kentucky Economics Association Meetings held at Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY) on October 21, 2017.  His paper is "Healthcare and Hunger: Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Food Insecurity in America". 

Jenny Minier wrote a position paper on immigration for UK's Center for Equality and Social Justice:

Steve Lugauer's paper, “Chinese Household Saving and Dependent Children: Theory and Evidence” with Jinlan Ni and Zhichao Yin was accepted for publication at the China Economic Review.

Carlos Lamarche presented “Behavioral Responses and Welfare Reform: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment” on October 5 at the 13th IZA Conference on Labor Market Policy Evaluation in Bonn, Germany. The paper is joint work with Robert Paul Hartley (Columbia University; UK alumnus).

Gail Hoyt and Chris Bollinger presented “A New Look at Lake Wobegon: Self Report Bias and Student Performance in Economics,” (with Tisha Emerson, and Linda English) at the Annual Meetings of the Kentucky Economic Association in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Friday, October 20, 2017.

Gail Hoyt was the panel moderator for “Empowering Students in the Economics Classroom and the Economics Major by Creating an Inclusive Environment,” with panelists Betsey Stevenson, Kim Holder, and Kalina Staub at the 2017 EconEd Conference, Chicago, October 14, 2017.

Gail Hoyt received a grant from the Doris Buffet Learning by Giving Foundation for use of her course ECO 410 "Economics of Altruism" for course projects in Fall 2018.

4th year Ph.D. student Katie Toran is competing in the UK Three Minute Thesis competition.  She is one of ten finalist who will be competing in the final round of competition to be held November 8th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM in Kincaid Auditorium.  Good luck Katie!

     Brian Bratten and Monika Causholli’s paper (co-authored with Linda Myers), titled, “Fair Value Exposure, Auditor Specialization, and Banks’ Discretionary Use of the Loan Loss Provision” was accepted for publication at Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance.

A delegation of University of Kentucky administrators and deans visited Beijing Institute of Technology at Zhuhai (BITZH) in early September. On Saturday, Sept. 9, a convocation took place to signify the UK-BITZH partnership and provide an opportunity for the College of Arts and Sciences and Gatton College of Business and Economics representatives to meet with BITZH second-year students who were interested in attending UK.