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On January 18, Accounting department faculty Brian Bratten, Monika Causholli, and graduate student Valbona Sulcaj earned a Best Paper Award at the 2019 American Audit Association Auditing Section Midyear Meeting in Nashville for their paper, “Overseeing the External Audit function: Evidence from Recent Audit Committee Activities”. Professor Causholli presented the paper at a plenary session at the conference.

Gatton Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs and Senior Lecturer Jennifer Siebenthaler has been recognized for her outstanding leadership in the Beta Alpha Psi organization.

On August 9th, VASOA PhD student, Valbona Sulcaj, presented the paper "Overseeing the External Audit Function: Evidence from Recent Audit Committee Voluntary Disclosures" (with Brian Bratten and Monika Causholli) at the Temple Accounting 100th Anniversary Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

Meng Huang presented the paper “Restatement, Disaggregation Quality and Market Reaction”, coauthored with Nicole Jenkins, Le Luo and Hong Xie, at the Temple Accounting 100th Anniversary Conference at Philadelphia, PA on August 10, 2018. This paper shows that restatement firms present their financial report with fewer details than their peer firms in the misstatement years, and increasing the disaggregation level in the financial report is a potential remedial tool that restatement firms can use after they announce the restatements.

On August 7th, VASOA PhD student, Valbona Sulcaj, presented the paper "Overseeing the External Audit Function: Evidence from Recent Audit Committee Voluntary Disclosures" (with Brian Bratten and Monika Causholli) at the AAA 2018 Annual Meeting in Washington DC.

Michael Chuancai Zhang recently presented his paper titled “The Effect of Management Language Cohesion on Information Asymmetry and the Cost of Equity Capital” co-authored with Dan Stone and Hong Xie, and discussed a paper titled “Seeing is Believing? Perceived Executive Facial Trustworthiness, Auditor Tenure, and Audit Fees” at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on August 7, 2018.

Russell Williamson and Dan Stone’s paper, "Creating Community Shared, Validated Data Sets to Benchmark Accounting Systems Students’ IT and Cybersecurity Knowledge," received the 2018 Best Research Paper award at this year's Accounting Information Systems Educator Conference.”

Assistant Professors, Ben Commerford and Sean Dennis have been awarded a competitive research grant from the Center for Audit Quality. Their project titled, “‘Alexa, Audit Loan Grades’: Enhancing Auditor Reliance on Artificial Intelligence Through Anthropomorphism” will examine issues related to the increasing role of artificial intelligence in the audit setting. The full announcement from the Center for Audit Quality can be seen HERE.

Monika Causholli recently presented her paper titled "Overseeing the External Audit Function: Evidence from Recent Audit Committee Voluntary Disclosures" and co-authored with Brian Bratten and Valbona Sulcaj, at the International Symposium of Audit Research (ISAR) held in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Her other paper titled  "The Market Premium of Audit Partners with Big 4 Experience" and co-authored with Kenneth Bills and Aleksandra Zimmerman was presented at the European Accounting Association Annual Congress in Milan, Italy.

Congratulations to Donnie Royse for graduating with honors for his masters, this past weekend from Morehead State University.