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Good evening everyone,

There is clarifying guidance from the Provost regarding use of the facility below as well as a few additional updates. Please plan to join us for Virtual Coffee Popup on Thursday at 9 a.m. HERE


  • Today, the Provost has issued clarifying guidance on accessing UK facilities. All employees and students are to work remotely. If on campus, you are to work in isolation.
  • University is pausing all hiring except student employment. See the message here. This does not affect current fulltime staff, lecturers or other faculty.


Community & Fun

  • Internet slang to make you totally cool online this semester
  • Cuteness for the day; twin boys have a conversation about quarantine and then have a pillow fight.
  • 75 years ago, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof opened in New York. This play went on to earn Tennessee Williams his second Pulitzer Prize.
  • Virtual Meetups on the docket (email Jackie if you want to propose & host an event)
    • Wine-down Wednesday (4:30 p.m. for 30 minutes recurring weekly, starting April 1st) – 1st topic, Bourbon: bring your favorite Bourbon and share why you like it. We are looking for a onetime host, if you are a Bourbon enthusiast, please email Jackie.
    • Coffee Popup (9:00 a.m., recurring weekly, starting Thursday March 26th) – topic, Updates on life from home.

Be well,
