The Department of Management hosted the 2019 Mid-South Management Research Consortium, organized by Wally Ferrier and Joe Labianca, February 22-24, at the Gatton College. Albert Cannella, Texas A&M University, presented the keynote address, "Strategic Leadership Research in the Digital Age".
University of Kentucky presenters included:
Joyti Gupta, "Celebrity CEO: A Network Perspective"
Jason Ross, "Toward a Theory of Dormant Ties"
Courtney Hart, "The role of Brokers on the Development of Diverse Sponsor-Sponsee Relationships"
Song Won Yang, "Temporal Management of Social Ties"
Dan Brass, ""The Review Process and Editorial Boards."
Huiwen Lian "Leadership and Counterproductive Work Behavior"
Steve Borgatti, "Introduction to Social Network Analysis"
Jung "Andie" Lee, "The Structure Underneath Teams' Conflict: A Network-Based Typology of Intrateam Conflict"