Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) finished off the 2023 spring semester with its annual banquet at Malone's. Scholarships were awarded to Nathan Stroud, Shintaro Kurachi, and Jared Horn. There were also several members that received Von Allmen School of Accountancy Scholarships.
BAP held technical meetings throughout the semester with presentations from PwC, EY, Deloitte, HCA, Dean Dorton, NASACT, Blue & Co., KPMG, Barnes Denning, MCM, FORVIS, and Northwestern Mutual. BAP is once again on track to achieve superior status through excellent commitment to community service and engagement in technical presentations. Many of our members participated in volunteering with VITA and tutoring fellow Gatton students through our tutoring program.
Special thanks to our outgoing officers for another successful year:
Emily Cooper - President
Nathan Stroud, VP of Activities
Abby Seavers VP of Membership
Olivia Ida, VP of Marketing
Danny Fagan, VP of Community Service
Kathleen Crosmer, Treasurer
Hannah Warren, Reporter
Faculty advisor, Professor Tom Lewis
Photo, (left to right: Nathan Stroud, Emily Cooper, Abby Seavers, Danny Fagan)