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The University of Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics is pleased to announce a new level of support for students – the Professional Resource Center (PRC). This center will offer a one-stop shop for current and potential graduate students. The goals for this initiative are to enhance recruitment efforts and provide greater academic support for the MS and MBA programs, while helping our students with career success and navigation.

An article entitled "Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis – Advice for a New Presidential Term," by Glenn Blomquist, Professor of Economics and Public Policy Emeritus, was presented at ASSA 2021 Annual Meeting.

Research by David Sovich, "Home Equity and Labor Income: The Role of Constrained Mobility" was published in Oxford Academic Review of Financial Studies.  

On December 2, 2020, Darshak Patel was a panelist at the 11th EconTEAching seminar. The livestreamed event was hosted by the Centre for Teaching and Learning Economics (CTaLE) at University College London and University of Warwick. It focused on the important questions of how careers in economics teaching have developed in higher education and what can be done to increase the profile of teaching track careers. 

The University of Kentucky has released its Dean's List for the Fall 2020 semester. A total of 1,503 Gatton College students were recognized for their outstanding academic performance. To make a Dean’s List, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.6 or higher and must have earned 12 credits or more in that semester, excluding credits earned in pass-fail classes.

Season's greetings from Dean Simon Sheather and the entire Gatton community! This year, a little holiday magic transformed the Gattonmobile into Simon's Sleigh! He flies through the air, visiting some very special alumni and friends around the world. It's an edition you won't want to miss! Wishing you a joyful holiday and a happy 2021!

Susan Zhu and fellow contributors recently partnered with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) to better understand how business schools and employers approach leadership development programs and how both parties can be better aligned to improve the leadership development processes and offerings at business schools.

Completing a degree during a global pandemic is an incredible feat, and we applaud all of our Gatton seniors! 

In honor of our graduates, we have created a virtual celebration with words of encouragement and inspiration from Gatton professors and keynote speaker, Dean's Advisory Council member, Nate Morris, Founder and CEO of Rubicon.

Congratulations to our amazing new graduates!