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Dan Stone’s paper with Candace Witherspoon (UK PhD, Accountancy, 2012) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Emerging Technologies, “Tax Preparer Certification, and Organization Form among Uncertified Preparers, Influence Client Satisfaction and Experience, Candace L. Witherspoon and Dan Stone, 

Dan Stone’s paper with Roger Debreceny, Stephanie Farewell and Audrey Scarlata (UK PhD Accountancy, 2009) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Information Systems, “Knowledge and Skills in Complex Assurance Engagements: The Case of XBRL,” Journal of Information Systems.

Dan Stone’s paper with Yu-Tzu Chang (UK PhD Accountancy, 2015) has been accepted for publication in the Managerial Auditing Journal, “Why Does Decomposed Audit Proposal Readability Differ by Audit Firm Size? A Coh-Metrix Approach,”,

Dan Stone’s paper with Yu-Tzu Chang (UK PhD Accountancy, 2015) has been accepted for publication in the Managerial Auditing Journal, “Proposal Readability, Audit Firm Size and Engagement Success: Do More Readable Proposals Win Governmental Audit Engagements?”,