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Undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics are invited to apply for the 2021-2022 Nate Morris Fellowship. Applications are being accepted until June 1, 2021.

Since 1970, the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC) Fellows have come to Washington, D.C. to learn about leadership and governance, to share their outstanding research, and to explore careers in public service. Fellows are given the opportunity to study the U.S. Presidency, the public policymaking process, and our Chief Executive’s relations with Congress, allies, the media, and the American public.

There is no cost to attend for the student. Travel, room, and board expenses are covered. The opportunity is made possible by the generous contributions of the Morris Foundation and Nate Morris, CEO of Rubicon Global. Morris, a Lexington native, is the first entrepreneur in residence at the Gatton College and is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council.

Looking toward a future less encumbered by the pandemic, the CSCP is transitioning to a hybrid Fellowship experience. Students will still travel to Washington, D.C. for an in-person convening, but that will be supplemented by monthly digital sessions with prominent policy experts, political figures, journalists, and private-sector leaders. 

This change will allow us to provide more programming than ever, introduce new formats, and strengthen peer to peer connections. We heard from the 2020-2021 class that our monthly virtual sessions made them feel more connected to the program and allowed them to form stronger bonds with other participants. These virtual gatherings combined with an in-person convening will allow us to deliver the strongest possible program to our Fellows.

The conference experience will be streamlined to one extended conference rather than two shorter visits to Washington, D.C. Fellows will still be in Washington, D.C. for the same period of time in the new format, but participating institutions will only have to fund travel expenses for one round-trip. This will reduce the financial costs for all of our partner schools, while providing students with the same amount of time in Washington, D.C. to meet with policymakers, explore national sites, and engage with influential political and media figures. 

Application materials are due by June 1, 2021 to the URC via email to For more information, visit the Gatton CSPC site.


The Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress (CSPC) is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank focused on understanding past lessons of Presidential and Congressional leadership; tackling today’s strategic policy challenges, and educating future generations of leaders.

For more information on CSPC, follow CSPC on Twitter or LinkedIn.

For more information on Rubicon Global, visit or follow Rubicon on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

For more information on the Morris Foundation, visit​​