The conference program consists of 10 papers selected from almost 500 submissions.
Thursday, April 27
6:00 Welcome Reception at Melodeon at the Grove
Friday, April 28
9:00 Breakfast
9:30 Session One Chair: Bruce Carlin (Rice)
The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship Sudheer Chava, Manasa Gopal, Manpreet Singh, and Yafei Zhang (Georgia Tech)
- Discussant: Tony Cookson (Colorado)
Whence LASSO? A Rational InterpretationWen Chen (CUHK), Bo Hu (George Mason), and Liyan Yang (Toronto)
- Discussant: Alex Chinco (Baruch)
Coffee Break
The Horizon of Investors’ Information and Corporate InvestmentOliver Dessaint (INSEAD), Thierry Foucault (HEC Paris), and Laurent Fresard (SFI, Lugano)
- Discussant: Michael Wittry (Ohio State)
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Session Two Chair: Holger Mueller (NYU)
Did Pandemic Relief Fraud Inflate House Prices?John Griffin, Sam Kruger, Prateek Mahajan (UT Austin)
- Discussant: Constantine Yannelis (Chicago)
Defunding Controversial Industries: Can Targeted Credit Rationing Choke Firms?Kunal Sachdeva (Rice), Andre Silva (Federal Reserve Board), Pablo Slutsky (Maryland), Billy Xu (Rice)
- Discussant: Elena Loutskina (UVA)
2:15 Depart for Keeneland
5:15 Depart Keeneland for Dinner at Tony’s
Saturday, April 29
9:30 Session Three Chair: Petri Jylhä (Aalto)
Monetary Policy Amplification through Bond Fund FlowsChuck Fang (UPenn)
- Discussant: Seth Pruitt (Arizona State)
Main Street’s Pain, Wall Street’s GainNancy Xu (Boston College) and Yang You (U of Hong Kong)
- Discussant: Lukas Schmid (USC)
The Liquidity Maximizing Price of a StockSida Li (Brandeis) and Mao Ye (Cornell)
- Discussant: John Shim (Notre Dame)
12:45 Session Four Chair: Jeff Coles (Utah)
Talent Retention Risk and Corporate InvestmentAJ Chen, Ben Zhang, and Zhao Zhang (USC)
- Discussant: Simcha Barkai (Boston College)
Excess Commitment in R&DMarius Guenzel (UPenn) and Tong Liu (MIT)
- Discussant: Richard Thakor (Minnesota)
2:15 Conference Ends
2:45 Optional Bourbon Tasting at Belle’s