February 06, 2023

After years of increasing educational progress, Kentucky is losing ground to other states. This is one of the key findings in the 2023 Kentucky Annual Economic Report, which was released by the Center for Business and Economic Research...

January 30, 2023

Associate Professor of Economics David Agrawal had his paper "Online Shopping Can Redistribute Local Tax Revenue from Urban to Rural America," accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Economics, the top field journal in the area of public finance.

January 30, 2023

Yoonbai Kim, Professor of Economics, received the 2023 Korea America Economic Association (KAEA) Appreciation Award at the 2023 ASSA meeting. Kim received a cash award along with a plaque in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 6-8, 2023. 


January 27, 2023

The Economics Society along with the Institute for the Study of Free Enterprise will host Treasurer Allison Ball for a talk Wednesday, February 15 at 6 pm. The talk is titled: A Discussion on Public Service and Unsung Heroes and is open to the public. 

January 25, 2023

Join national, regional, and local experts to hear what you can expect from the economy in 2023 at the 34th Annual Economic Outlook Conference. This year's conference will be held in the Central Bank Center in Lexington, Kentucky on Tuesday, February 7. 

December 19, 2022

Chuck Courtemanche's paper, "Intended and Unintended Effects of E-cigarette Taxes on Youth Tobacco Use," has been accepted for publication in Journal of Health Economics. 

December 01, 2022

Carlos Lamarche's paper, "Wild Bootstrap Inference For Penalized Quantile Regression For Longitudinal Data," has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Econometrics. The paper was co-authored with Thomas Parker of the University of Waterloo. 

November 29, 2022

Darshak Patel has received the Kenneth G. Elzinga Distinguished Teaching Award from the Southern Economic Association® (SEA) a national recognition for his contributions to economics education.

November 18, 2022

Congratulations to Sarah (Burns) John, Ph.D. ’13 [Economics] for recently receiving the 2022 Larry D. Welch Award for Best External Publication for “Deterring Illegal Entry: Migrant Sanctions and Recidivism in Border Apprehensions.” The article was published in American Economic Journal in August 2021.

November 15, 2022

Economics Department Chair and Poverty Center Director, James Ziliak and colleague Maggie Jones, senior economist at the U.S. Census Bureau, were recently selected to receive the 2022 Richard A. Musgrave Prize for their paper published in the National Tax Journal.