Ana María Herrera presented “Credit Reallocation” at the Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI) in Barcelona, Spain.
Ana María Herrera presented presented “The Effect of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Credit Flows” (with Timothy Bianco) at the Universitat de Girona in Girona, Spain, the BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway, and the IX Time Series Workshop in Zaragoza.
Chris Bollinger presented "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Measurement Error, Non-response, and Administrative Mismatch in the CPS" at IFS, University College, London, at Southampton University Statistics Department, at CEMMAP Conference on Survey Non-Response, University College London, and at the ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement, at Kings College, London.
Carlos Lamarche presented “Common Correlated Effects Estimation of Heterogeneous: Dynamic Panel Quantile Regression Models” at Vanderbilt University and at the University of Notre Dame.
Adib Bagh’s paper, “Preserving Bidder Privacy in Assignment Auctions: Design and Measurement" (with De Liu, University of Minnesota) is forthcoming in Management Science.
Jenny Minier spoke about Lexington’s economy to the current Leadership Lexington class on March 14 and to the Lexington Employee Benefits Council on March 20.
Darshak Patel co-organized EconGames hosted at Northern Kentucky University on March 29. This was made successful through the partnership with Abdullah Al-Bahrani (NKU) and 84.51. A total of 30 students (17 from UKY) competed in a data analytics and research competition designed to introduce them to real-world problems through a dataset provided by 84.51 group. Students learned about career opportunities at 84.51 and then worked in their respective teams on Kroger’s seafood customer data that was released to them that morning.
Darshak Patel presented “Low Cost Incentives: Lessons from Students, Workers and Sports" at the Susquehanna University on March 18th Selinsgrove, PA.
The Council of Economic Advisers recently released a study on deregulating health insurance markets. It cites a 2017 study on the Affordable Care Act by Charles Courtemanche and Aaron Yelowitz in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Jim Ziliak, Director of the Center for Poverty Research and Executive Director of the Research Data Center, was recently quoted on a piece in Marketplace on the Urban Institute's analysis of the reach of the social safety net. Listen here.