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Our PharmD/MBA Dual Degree program allows UK Pharmacy Doctoral candidates to earn their MBA degree in parallel with while earning their PharmD degree in four years, at a significant tuition discount.


The benefits of pursuing our Dual Degree PharmD/MBA includes but are not limited to:

  • Expanded career options, providing the business knowledge and credentials for corporate-related roles as well as managing your own pharmacy.
  • Improved effectiveness in terms of the ability to work effectively across an organization, manage and lead others, and interface with different business functions.
  • Expanded personal and professional network.

Program Schedule

Our Dual PharmD MBA degree consists of 36 total credit hours, or 12 courses. Of the 36 total credit hours, 30 are completed in our MBA program and 6 credit hours from the PharmD program apply towards our MBA degree (considered shared credit hours within the Dual Degree).

The following schedule is the typical cadence of courses for our PharmD MBA dual degree candidates. Each of our MBA courses are offered during weekday evenings from 6 - 8:30 p.m. The year corresponds with our MBA program, accepted PharmD candidates start our MBA program after their first year of their PharmD program.

Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Semester Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
ACC 628: Managerial & Financial Accounting            
ECO 610: Managerial Economics            
DIS 651: Quantitative Analysis in Business Decision Making            
FIN 600: Corporate Financial Policy            
MKT 600: Marketing Management            
CPH 600: Health Services System Organization            
MGT 611: Managing Effective Organizations            
MGT 699: Business Policy Strategy            
MBA Elective Courses (2 Required)            

PharmD courses that count towards our MBA degree include:

  • PHR 952 Research & EBM in Pharmacy Practice
  • PHS 964: Pharmacy Operations and Financial Management

Application and Tuition Guidance

Candidates interested in applying for our Dual Degree PharmD MBA first need to be approved through the College of Pharmacy during their first year of Pharmacy School and then follow our standard application process which can be found here.

Tuition for MBA courses for our Dual Degree graduate students is at a reduced amount of $250 per credit hour.

Connect with Us


Karla Schiebel
Gatton College of Business and Economics
Executive Director and Assistant Dean, Professional Resource Center
(859) 257-7645


Dr. Karen Blumenschein
College of Pharmacy
University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY 40506
859.257.5778 (office) |