Gatton College Announces the Professional Resource Center to Support Students 

The Gatton College is pleased to announce a new level of support for students – the Professional Resource Center (PRC). This center will offer a one-stop shop for current and potential graduate students. The goals for this initiative are to enhance recruitment efforts and provide greater academic support for the MS and MBA programs; while helping our students with career success and navigation through this challenging time.

This exciting, coordinated effort will result in several modifications in staffing. The center will be led Paul Childs, Associate Dean for MBA and Online Programs and by Nancy Johnson, Associate Dean of International and Graduate Programs. Dr. Childs will be responsible for the evening MBA program and online programs; while Dr. Johnson will continue to administer international initiatives, the daytime program, and the professional masters’ programs. The PhD program will remain distinct but within Dr. Johnson's purview.

Supporting Dr. Johnson will be Karl Gustafson and Lorna Patches. Leading the academic initiatives for the MBA program, Karl Gustafson will be named the Academic Director for the MBA programs. Lorna Patches will serve as the Executive Director of the PRC and will lead initiatives for co-curriculum, career resources, and recruitment.

In addition to her current role as the Director of the Graham Office of Career Management, Sarah Madison will take the role of Interim Director of Recruiting and Career Services for the center. Other members of the recruitment team will include Candace Bramley-Hardesty, Chris Carney, Rick Mason and Yingnan Song

Said Dean Simon Sheather, "I am delighted by the assembly of this team and look forward to accomplishing our overall goals by increasing student recruitment and student success. I am most proud and particularly grateful to the staff who will serve in this coordinated effort to benefit the students at the Gatton College."