Registration Extended Through Aug. 29 for UK Entrepreneurs Bootcamp

The opportunity to learn how to become an entrepreneur is available to everyone at the University of Kentucky.

If you have ever dreamed of creating a startup, or wanted to see if your idea could be the next big thing in technology, product design, or web-based services, then Bootcamp is for you. This program is free and is open to all faculty, students, staff, and community members.

The Entrepreneurs Bootcamp Program is organized by the Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship, part of UK's Gatton College of Business and Economics. The program lasts for 14 weeks, beginning with the opening session at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1, in the Gatton College building and continuing each Thursday at that same time through Dec. 1. The program is divided into weekly sessions tailored to company creation. Bootcamp is designed for highly motivated individuals interested in becoming an entrepreneur, and is not offered for academic credit.  

Registration will be limited to the first 80 applicants. Applications and new projects will be accepted through Aug. 29. All applicants and new project ideas will be screened for acceptance into the program.

Please direct all inquires to Mariam Gorjian, at