First Name * Middle Name or Initial Last Name * Email Address * Date of Birth Month * - Select -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Year * - Select -2000200120022003200420052006200720082009 UK Student ID # * Gender * - Select -FemaleMaleOther Gender Other Pronoun (optional) - None -SheHeOther Pronoun (optional) Other Are you an US citizen or permanent resident? * - Select -YesNo Ethnic Background (Optional) Are you Hispanic or Latino? - None -YesNo What is your race? (Please select one or more races.) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African-American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Are you the 1st generation college student in your family? - None -YesNo Expected Graduation Year (open to second-year students only) - None -Dec 2026May 2027 If you have a Professor who can be your reference, please name them below. Having no reference will not negatively impact your application Would you like to be considered for team leader? - None -YesNo List the top two preferred cities where you would like to work within 5 years after college. First Option * Second Option * Academic Info Current/intended majors at UK * Current/intended minors at UK * List any college scholarships you've received Current GPA * Please enter your ACT, including your Math ACT, score or SAT score below. You don't need to enter an ACT and SAT score. Type NA for the test you are NOT entering a score for. ACT Composite Score * SAT (ERW+M) Score * Essay Questions Please fill in your answers to all the following questions and pay attention to the word count. Currently, what are your top career path options you are considering and why? (e.g., investment banking, commercial banking, consulting, private wealth, etc.). Maximum word count: 200 words * How would the trip benefit you? How will you contribute to the group? (Maximum word count: 200 words) * Is there any additional information you would like us to consider for your application? (Maximum word count: 200 words) * Upload Current UK transcript in PDF (photocopies are accepted) * Upload More informationFiles must be less than 256 MB. Allowed file types: pdf. Most current resume (list any work experience, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and/or sports activities in high school). Upload Word or PDF * Upload More informationFiles must be less than 256 MB. Allowed file types: pdf doc docx. Certification of Application Materials I certify that the information given on this application is accurate. Deliberate falsification may subject me to disciplinary action. I give permission to the Scholarship Committee members to release the transcript of my academic record and other information requested for consideration in the scholarship application. Certification of Application Materials * Yes Leave this field blank Submit