September 10, 2024

Eleanor Krause received a competitive Early Career Grant from the Washington Center for Equitable Growth (WCEG). According to the WCEG, these grants are "targeted at those early in their careers whose research is policy-relevant and can inform how policymakers can take action to create more stable, broadly shared U.S.

September 10, 2024

Stephen Lusch has been appointed as an editor at Accounting Horizons. Effective June 1, 2024, Lusch will serve a 3-year term. Accounting Horizons is one of three association-wide journals of the American Accounting Association and is the second most downloaded journal of the AAA's family of seventeen journals.

September 10, 2024

Carlos Lamarche's paper titled "Quantiles of the Gain Distribution of an Early Childhood Intervention" has been accepted and published online by the Journal of Applied Econometrics. This paper is a joint effort with Erich Battistin and Ebruci Rettore. Read the paper here.

September 10, 2024

Students are back for classes, new faculty are settling in, popcorn and gelato are abundant, and your dear ole Dean Simon is once again in the Dicken Plaza for Simon Says Live! Hear about all of the amazing things going on in the Gatton College as we buckle up for an incredible new school year.

August 26, 2024

Duke Ferguson's paper, "Raising the Stakes: How Progressive Tax Rates Affect Risk-Taking by Pass-Through Businesses" was accepted for publication in the journal, Contemporary Accounting Research.

August 26, 2024

Gatton's Director of Honors Pathways, Ryessia Russell, has been selected as one of 50 members of the 2024-2025 Leadership Lexington class. Ryessia's role involves working with some of the brightest students in Gatton, guiding them through their rigorous coursework as honors students.

August 07, 2024

Felipe Benguria's paper, "Escaping the trade war: Finance and relational supply chains in the adjustment to trade policy shocks" is forthcoming in the Journal of International Economics.

August 07, 2024

Jonathan Pliszka, lecturer, was recently cited by WalletHub in a piece about the Best Personal Loans for Veterans.

August 02, 2024

The certificate is designed to meet the soaring demand for skilled tax accountants and is a unique opportunity to advance an accounting career.

July 31, 2024

Across the pond and around the world! It's summertime here in Lexington, KY which means hot temps and a hotter golf exclusive! This episode is jam-packed with a recap of the Governor's Scholar for Entrepreneurs, our students studying worldwide, and the newest edition of the alumni magazine Transform. Watch now!