Recent Publications and Presentations


Dan Halgin and Zhi Huang had their research: Walsh, I.W., Halgin, D.S, & Huang, Z. , “Making old friends: Understanding the causes and consequences of maintaining former coworker relationships,” accepted for publication in Academy of Management Discoveries.

Steve Borgatti’s co-edited volume, Groenewegen, P., Ferguson, J., Moser, C., Mohr, J., Borgatti, S. (2017). Structure, Content and Meaning of Organizational Networks (vol. 53). Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Emerald Publishing Ltd., was recently published, including an introductory chapter by the co-editors.

Huiwen Lian had 2 research papers accepted the same week in Journal of Applied Psychology:

Ferris, D. L., Reb, J., Lian, H., Sim, S., & Ang, D. “What goes up must…keep going up? Cultural differences in cognitive styles influence evaluations of dynamic performance.”

Liang, L. H., Brown, D. J., Ferris, D. L., Hanig, S., Lian, H., & Keeping, L. M. “The dimensions and mechanisms of mindfulness in regulating aggressive behaviors.”

Chen Chung had his paper, "Religious Thoughts, Ethnic Values and Their Impacts on Business Management," accepted for publication in International Journal of Business and Social Science (Vol. 8, No. 10).

Former PhD student Josh Marineau, Joe Labianca, Dan Brass, Steve Borgatti, and former visiting student Patrizia Vecchi had their research, “Individuals’ power and their social network accuracy: A situated cognition perspective,” accepted for publication in Social Networks.